
Masterplan Design for a new Culture and Education Quarter at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

DKA submitted a proposal for the Olympicopolis competition for a new Culture and Education Quarter at Stratford as part of a collaborative design team led by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios. The competition brief was to house a series of new East London locations for a series existing arts institutions including V&A, Sadler's Wells and University of the Arts London.

David Kohn Architects worked closely with FCB Studios for the design of the new building for V&A East, which was an innovative new model for museums of the future. The building formed the gateway to the quarter with three active frontages leading the public into the complex and gallery spaces. Designs for the V&A East outlined a series of iconic facades using primal shapes to signify the V&A's place in the design industry.


Strategy for the Olympicopolis Culture & Education Quarter


Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London




18,000m2 (V&A)


Competition entry

Construction Value

£297,000,000 (Full Site)

Design Team

David Kohn, Robin Turner


Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects (Design lead)

5th Studio Architects

Coffey Architects

DRDH Architects

Atelier Ten - Building Services Engineer

Expedition - Structural & Civil Engineer

Charcoal Blue - Theatre Consultant

Useful Simple Projects - Sustainability Strategist
